FilmingGreece production & consulting services

Filming Greece Yannis Poulkas- Post Production Coordinator







Yannis is a highly skilled post-production professional and experienced VFX supervisor, specializing in creating captivating visual experiences for film productions. With expertise in VFX, 3D photorealistic visualization, and a keen attention to sound, Yannis brings a unique blend of technical expertise and creative vision to our film production company. With a proven track record as a post-production supervisor and a strong command of VFX, they have successfully delivered seamless visual effects and crafted immersive soundscapes, enhancing the impact of our storytelling.


Yannis Poulkas’ projects:

My House – VFX supervisor

Tin soldier – post production supervisor

Dirty angels- post production supervisor

And then come the nightjars – VFX supervisor

Red Sonja – ost production coordinator

Hell Boy – post production coordinator


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Filming Greece Yannis Poulkas- Post Production Coordinator




Yannis is a highly skilled post-production professional and experienced VFX supervisor, specializing in creating captivating visual experiences for film productions. With expertise in VFX, 3D photorealistic visualization, and a keen attention to sound, Yannis brings a unique blend of technical expertise and creative vision to our film production company. With a proven track record as a post-production supervisor and a strong command of VFX, they have successfully delivered seamless visual effects and crafted immersive soundscapes, enhancing the impact of our storytelling.


Yannis Poulkas’ projects:

My House – VFX supervisor

Tin soldier – post production supervisor

Dirty angels- post production supervisor

And then come the nightjars – VFX supervisor

Red Sonja – ost production coordinator

Hell Boy – post production coordinator


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Ready For Your Next Project?

Our film production company has a specialised team for tax and legal consulting, that guarantees you will have the best guidance in tax incentives and a flawless roadmap to successfully reaching your financial goals.

Let’s work together to create something truly special.



Ready For Your Next Project?

Our film production company has a specialised team for tax and legal consulting, that guarantees you will have the best guidance in tax incentives and a flawless roadmap to successfully reaching your financial goals.

Let’s work together to create something truly special.


Ready to Cast Your Project?

Contact us today to learn more about our casting services and how we can help you find the perfect cast for your project.

Let’s work together to create something truly special.


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Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)

…or something like this:

The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.

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